
lifestyle post: leftovers smackdown*

My favorite way to cook is WITHOUT A PLAN.  My skills are at their finest when there is a soupçon of several different ingredients hanging around.  Today's post will demonstrate for you my bacon-use skills.  Bacon is good for you.


1 strip of bacon, cut in half
some broccoli
leftover linguini
slivered almonds, toasted (optional)
1. fry up the bacon
2. while you're frying the bacon, chop some broccolah
3. remove the finished bacon from the pan; sear the broccoli in the remaining bacon fat - you want it to be bright green and a leeetle bit tender with a hint of charbroiled burnination.
4. once the bacon has cooled, chop it into little pieces.
5. turn the heat off, toss the pasta and the bacon with the broccoli, all in the pan with the hot delicious bacon oils.  throw into a bowl and add toasted slivered almonds if desired.
Do you find the use of bacon fat off-putting?! Well you are a sissy.  Are you eating Cheetos while you read this?  Maybe you are eating a delicious fast food hamburger.  Those things are way grosser than bacon fat.  (I love you, even when we are arguing.)
I originally wrote this recipe for my family's Foodie Intranet!

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