
saturday cycle*

This Saturday THÈ DRAM! will have the privilege of participating in the Second Annual East Hollywood Art Cycle.  "A celebration of art, cycling, and community in the heart of Los Angeles," Art Cycle will have food [Grilled Cheese Truck. Thank you Cheesus], local vendors, live music, and bike tours of nearby art galleries.  Also, bring your own t-shirt for some DIY screen printing!  I love exclamations!

In addition to the Saturday March 13th event, there is an installation at the Barnsdall Municipal Art Gallery.

The block party will be from 2-10pm on Santa Monica Boulevard between Vermont and Virgil – steps away from the Vermont/Santa Monica Metro Station.  Or ride your bike!  You can now get bicycling directions on Google Maps.  Here's this phun, mellow corporate video about how Google can plan a bike route!*

Check out the official ArtCycle press release here, and some additional ArtCycle coverage at Flaunt and StreetsBlogLA

* Come meet fellow bike enthusiasts/warriors/experts and celebrate the DIY spirit on Saturday *  ;) 


*Update Re: Google bike mapsPlease consider this matrix of criticism before allowing Google to do all the work for you. ~ A friendly reminder to remain friends with old fashioned common sense (and experienced cyclists) ~


pique-nique gastronomique!*

THÈ DRAM! is thrilled to be participating in the First Annual LA Street Food Fest - a veritable smorgasbord of local delights!
um, there will be a GRILLED CHEESE TRUCK.
Follow the 'fest on Twitter for  some positively enchanting bite-sized previews, and soak up more social-networkity on Facebook here and here.  Who is responsible for this?!!  SauceLA's Shawna Dawson and Sonja Rasula of UNIQUE Los Angeles, naturally.
The venue, blocks away from the 7th Street/Metro Center Station, is said to have a grassy lawn or two, and you are encouraged to bring a picnic blanket.  Agh!  Cute!  There will also be a complimentary bike valet.  ;)
Your browser has detected that your recent taco and ice cream sammich intake is DANGEROUSLY LOW.  You know what you need to do.
[Public Service Announcement: THÈ DRAM! is not a food.  There will be a crafty section!!!] ]
photo credits: [above] Frysmith, Don Chow, Buttermilk.  [top panel] Gastrobus, CoolhausNom Nom Truck.